Zero Waste Wednesday: Used Clothing

For those interested in sustainability, one of the most problematic industries is the fashion industry. Fast fashion is a business model in which cheap, low quality clothing is designed, produced, and sold at breakneck speed–and usually discarded just as quickly, either because it wasn’t built to last and soon rips, or because fast fashion has shortened the trend cycle such that something is “last season” if it’s only a couple of weeks old. And because our systems of cost accounting don’t include the cost to the environment, clothing that is made sustainably and made to last is usually significantly more expensive. What’s a shopping addict–or a person on a budget–to do?

The answer is simple: buy used clothes.

If you’re buying used clothes, you can often find high-quality items at a crazy discount. And if something made by a fast fashion brand catches your eye, if you buy it used instead of new, you’re mitigating waste instead of perpetuating it.

Thrift stores abound in Kansas City. In addition to Goodwill, you can also check out Clothz Minded and Troost39. Or, if you’re more of an online shopper, check out ThredUp or Poshmark or even Facebook Marketplace.

And by the way, these are also great ways to pass along the clothes you don’t wear anymore to someone who will love and enjoy them!

Happy sustainable shopping!


Zero Waste Wednesday: Zero Waste Pioneer


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